Sunday, March 1, 2009

Winter is Fighting...

But... Spring Will Win!

     It's Sunday, March 1st and what's expected to be the biggest snow storm of the season is predicted to land on our driveway within hours. We're too old to shovel snow. We should have moved years ago.  We only need a little path for ourselves and our two tiny poodles who hate getting their feet cold and wet. I do, too!

    Thank God for wonderful neighbors, Debbie and Glenn, who will be out before sunrise with a snow blower and shovel to make a path for us. They are our angels! 

Anyway, snow slows me down and always makes me think of God.  In fact, everything makes me think of God.
Fresh snow looks like white blessings covering the earth's dark layers of war, sickness, pain, poverty, racism, hatred, abortion, child abuse, etc. etc.

Does darkness covers your part of the earth today?
Would a fresh snow-fall help you think of God?

Our family has been darkened by cancer.
My husband has the disease.
It makes our world dark at times.
But... we know that God is always with us
and so we welcome the snow and we trust God and pray:

Psalm 51
Purify me with hyssop and I shall be clean;
wash me and I shall be whiter than snow.

Psalm 57
Be merciful and gracious to me, O God, be merciful and gracious to me, 
for my soul takes and finds shelter and confidence in You;
yes, in the shadow of Your wings will I take refuge 
and be confident until calamities and destructive storms are passed.   
I will cry to God Most High. 
Who performs on my behalf and rewards me. 
He will send from heaven and save me...

Let us call upon the God of all goodness and love, 
and He will hear us. 
Let us draw near to Him 
and He will show us the way.
May you and your loved ones be forever blessed!